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Top Five Netiquette Tips

by 금단현상 2007. 10. 23.

Netiquette is a term derived from the words "Internet Etiquette"or "Network Etiquette"which describes the use of proper manners and behavior online. Internet Etiquette should be used in all areas of electronic means including e-mail, chatting, blogging, forums, message boards, and so on. It is important to treat others with dignity and respect both on and offline. Although the rules may vary depending on the specific forum used, the following Top 5 Netiquette guidelines will offer some basic Internet tips and suggestions to provide a pleasant and safe online experience.

1. Be Brief Online: It is important to keep messages short, especially when writing an e-mail or typing in a chat room. By using common chat abbreviations or acronyms, not only will the reader appreciate the brevity of the message, it will save the author valuable time typing the message. Remember, keep it short and be brief!

2. DON’T SHOUT: No matter what forum, writing in all capital letters is considered SHOUTING and is very rude. A word or two in caps is fine, but shouting is not recommended.

3. Pay Attention to Language Issues: Improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out or permanently banned from a forum or group. It is also important to remember people from other countries may be participating in the conversation and language barriers may be an issue.

4. Think Before Posting: It is important to note, what is posted online today, may come back and haunt the writer tomorrow. That silly or fun photograph posted on a social networking site, may keep that person from getting a job later on. Many colleges and employers are now searching social networking sites prior to hiring.

5. Be Aware of Cyber bullying: If targeted by a cyber bully, do not respond. Keep all ORIGINAL correspondence, with dates and times if possible. And if the messages are of a threatening nature or safety is a concern, contact local law enforcement agency as soon as possible.
